What if Nova Scotian communities could enjoy 100% renewable energy?
Scotian Wind Inc. is an innovative renewable energy corporation providing integrated solutions scaled to suit all energy needs. Formed in 2012, we work directly with communities to help them enjoy the benefits of renewable resources.
Our mission
A 100% renewable-powered Nova Scotia, that puts its abundant wind resources to use producing clean electricity, lowering carbon emissions, creating jobs and putting money back into the local economy.
Our values
Making renewable energy accessible to Nova Scotian households and families
Supporting provincial partners and programs that help grow our clean economy
Delivering a sustainable return on investment for project shareholders and our partners
Board of Directors
Rod Millar
Chair of the Board
Rod’s career spans 40 years as a leader of technology-based projects in the power generation and transmission, manufacturing, transportation and healthcare sectors. He has helped many government agencies with improved service delivery and implementation of regulatory change. He has a B.Sc from London University and is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng). Rod was elected to the Board of Scotian Wind in 2016 and has been Board Chair since 2017.
Terry Norman
President & CEO
Terry has over 40 years of business experience throughout Canada in the fields of financial services and investments. He has a BComm from McGill University and an MSc (Bus. Admin.) from the University of British Columbia. Terry was elected as a Director of Scotian Wind in 2015 and he was appointed President & CEO the same year.
Len White
Chair, Finance & Audit Committee
Len recently retired as CEO of Engineers Nova Scotia where he led the organization for over 20 years. He obtained a BSc degree from Saint Mary’s University and a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from the Nova Scotia Technical College. He went on to obtain an MBA from Florida State University. In addition, he is a CPA, CGA. Len was elected to the Board of Scotian Wind in 2020 and in 2022 he was appointed Chair of our Finance and Audit Committee.
Dale Robertson
Dale graduated from Royal Military College with a Bachelor of Engineering degree. He recently sold Enerscan Engineering Inc., a successful utility hardware company that he developed. Dale was elected to the Board of Scotian Wind in 2017 and he was appointed Secretary in 2018. He represents Scotian Wind on the Board of ScWEB GP and ScWEB II GP.
Krista Martell
Krista has diverse business experience both locally and globally. She received a Bachelor of Commerce and an MBA from Saint Mary’s University. She also qualified for a CMA, CPA designation. Krista is experienced in project management, financial modelling and analysis, cash management, budgeting, forecasting and strategic planning.
Bill Roberts
Bill spent over 40 years in telecommunications sales, planning and project management with several firms in Halifax, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto and Lagos Nigeria. He retired in 2006 after 10 years as Account Vice President, Atlantic Canada with Nortel Networks. Bill was founding Chairman of the Telecommunications Applications Research Alliance (TARA) in Halifax and was a member of the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron board of management for 7 years, serving as Commodore in 2003 and 2004. He holds an MBA (Gold Medal 1994) from Saint Mary’s University.
Jeffrey Lamb
Jeff has over 40 years experience in facilities management, design and construction. He has a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering and a Masters Degree in Structural Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada. He was a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Nova Scotia. Jeff worked for 18 years in the Canadian Forces, retiring in 1996 as a Lieutenant Colonel. Among other duties, he was in charge of facilities management at three Air Force bases and he worked on design and construction of military installations in the Canadian Arctic.
Partner structure
We have two Limited Partnerships (LPs) that own our 20 wind turbines: a) ScotianWEB Limited Partnership and b) ScotianWEB II Limited Partnership. The former owns 14 Vestas V100 wind turbines and the latter owns 2 Vestas V100s and 4 Vestas V110s. All of our wind turbines are rated at 2MW. The V100s have blades that are 100 metres long and the V110s have 110 metre blades.
WEB owns 55% of each LP, SWI owns 25% and SWFI owns 20%. Each owner contributed 20% of the total capital costs in the form of equity and 80% of the capital costs were financed by institutional lenders through fixed rate 20-year term loans. Each of our 12 projects have separate Power Purchase Agreements with Nova Scotia Power Inc. for a total of 20 years from their Commercial Operation Date (COD). Eleven of our twelve projects are under the COMFIT program but our Parker Mountain project is an exception.
Projects developed and operated by
Our 12 projects were developed by the team at SWEB Development LP. SWEB is owned 100% by WEB. SWEB has a 20-year contract to manage these projects on behalf of the two LPs. The LPs have also signed a 20-year Maintenance Agreement with Vestas. The technicians employed by SWEB work closely with their counterparts at Vestas to ensure that our wind turbines are operating at peak performance.
Investor resources
Annual reports and shareholder newsletters for current Scotian Wind investors
Community Partner Contacts
Is your not-for-profit organization located near one of our projects? Contact one of our community partners about local funding eligibility and opportunities.